• Location: Rimforest, CA
  • Site: #06
  • Month: May, 2021
  • Bathrooms: Yes
  • Cost: $40-79 a night
  • Reservations: here!

If you are a Southern California local (and even if you’re not) and are looking for a complete “foresty” camping getaway in the mountains? This is for you. Dogwood Campground is located in the San Bernardino National Forest, near Lake Arrowhead, CA and Big Bear Lake, CA. In my opinion, it is a quitessential camping spot–beautiful camping location and perfect for local hiking and outdoor activities.

Dogwood Campground in San Bernardino, California near Los Angeles

Here, I immediately felt immersed in the wilderness. All sorts of trees and shrubs surrounded us, and the burnt-like smell of the bark and trees immediately filled my nose. The entry road provided such a pleasant visual and although the entrance remains right off the highway, it definitely felt like an escape from modern civilization. 

About the Campground

This campground contains a ton of amenities that make it quite the comfortable campground.

The drive-up booth became our first official stop where we checked in and purchased firewood. Maps are available here and the staff is informative and friendly.

Bathrooms contained flush toilets, with shower access, and drinkable water. Campsites were kept very tidy–the landscape was not in disarray and there was no mess of needles or leaves anywhere. In addition to tent campsites, RV campings with electric hook ups were also available.

The campsites were located in a one-way loop and most spots required visitors to park in tandem. Most amenities were within walking distance, including some of the trailheads, and the campground rangers made themselves readily available every day.

About Our Campsite

We arrived to our campsite, however, to find that it sat at a downward slope. Womp womp. As a corner site, the rain likely ran down in this direction causing erosion. Despite this, the fire pit was level and so was the drive way. I also found only one level spot that allowed for our 3-person tent. Trees surrounded this spot which allowed significant privacy to our tent, but the campsites still sat close together. This particular campsite also sat directly across a few group sites, so the noise levels were particular high, and the privacy levels also low. The rest of the area had ample space for more visitors and tents , but there was not any more level ground. 

The campsite had a picnic table, a fire pit with a small surrounding retaining wall, and a bear box. It was dog-friendly with the bathrooms just across the main road. In addition, the bigger trash bins resided right past the bathrooms. Two cars fit easily in our parking spot and there was a small trailhead adjacent to this campsite frequently used by dog owners and their pets. 

What is Nearby this Campground?

Located in San Bernardino National Forest, but along The Rim of there World, there are many places to visit nearby.

The town of Blue Jay is only 5 minutes away with a grocery store, and shopping plaza if absolutely necessary. Lake Arrowhead Lake (a private lake) and Lake Arrowhead Village is also about a 10 minute drive. Lake Gregory in Crestline, CA is also about 15 minutes away, and allows water activities for any visitor. Finally, Big Bear Lake is about a 45 minute drive from this campground.

In addition to the Nature Trail right by this campsite, Dogwood Trailhead was also a short walk within the campground itself. Heaps Park Arboretum, Skypark at Santa’s Village, and various places to eat are also within the surround area like Lou Eddie’s and Rosalva’s.

Additional Thoughts

During our stay, the fog was so thick that it actually allowed for much privacy, but we were close enough to hear our neighbors. With group sites nearby, we were privy to larger parties of people. So when I come back, I would choose a different campsite especially one with more level ground.

All in all, this campsite really gave me that “escaping to the mountains” feel, and yet have the pleasures of a clean location with bathrooms, and even civilization nearby.

Curious about other campsites in California? I review all the wonderful campsites (and not so wonderful campsites) here that I have stayed at. Take a peek, get outside, and happy adventuring!

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